The 2024 summer school in Rostock will feature world-reknowned experts from various universities and research institutions.
Keynote speakers
- Prof. Dr. Ravi Bhardwaj, University of Ottawa: Extreme ultrafast photonics, Laser processing of materials
- Prof. Dr. Ebrahim Karimi, University of Ottawa: Structural quantum optics
- Prof. Dr. Albert Stolow, University of Ottawa: Molecular photonics
Further speakers
Prof. Dr. Dr. Oliver Friedrich
Medical Biotechnology
- Friedrich-Alexander Univ. Erlangen - Vortragstitel: Second harmonic generation: signal generation using multi photon microscopy and AI-based analysisd
Prof. Dr. Oleg Pronin
Laser Technology & Spectroscopy
- Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Hamburg - Vortragstitel: New developments in femtosecond laser technology
Prof. Dr. Matthias Krüger
Statistische Nicht-Gleichgewichtsphysik
- Georg-August Universität Göttingen, Vortragsitel: offene (Quanten-)Systeme
Prof. Dr. Walter Strunz
Theoretische Quantenoptik
- TU Dresden, Vortragstitel: Introduction to the Hierarchy of Pure States (HOPS) approach to open quantum dynamics
Olaf Schulz
- PicoQuant Berlin - Vortragstitel: Fluorescence lifetime imaging and beyond: theory and experiment
Bianca Souffrant
Forschungsverbund M-V
- Projektmanagerin Internationales Austauschprogramm zur Förderung von Wissenschaft, Technologie und Transfer zwischen Kanada und MV