Poster Session

Please submit your poster registration (including poster title) no later than May 15, 2024. Please use the registration form.

Poster sessions will enable a detailed scientific exchange.

Bitte bringen Sie Ihr Poster (in der Regel DIN A1 oder A0, Hochformat) in gedruckter Form zur Veranstaltung mit. Die Präsentation der Poster findet im Foyer des LLM-Gebäudes statt.

Please bring your poster (usually DIN A1 or A0, portrait format) in printed form to the event. The poster presentation will take place in the foyer of the LLM building.

Die zu nutzende Fläche der Posterwände ist:
Länge/Length: 118 cm
Breite/Width: 88 cm

Registered Poster Sessions:

  • Reversible Switching based truly intramolecular Proton Transfer (Marvin Krupp, Univ. Rostock)
  • Modeling and Probing Ultrafast Laser-Induced Dynamics in Nanostructures (Richard Altenkirch, Univ. Rostock)
  • Observation of optical Joule-Thomson expansion (Marco Kirsch, Univ. Rostock)
  • Orbital interference effects in low-order harmonic generation in benzene (Samuel Schöpa, Univ. Rostock)
  • Harmonic generation with topological edge states and electron-electron interaction: The laser-driven Su-Schrieffer-Heeger-Hubbard model (Siamak Pooyan, Univ. Rostock)
  • Electron emission in nanoclusters on surfaces (Mikhail Bednov, Univ. Rostock)
  • Synergistic integration of organic molecules into two-dimensional materials: A comprehensive exploration of MoS2/Perylene hybrid systems (Mohammed El Amine Miloudi, Univ. Rostock)
  • Hyperbolic Localised Surface Plasmon Resonance Control in CuS, CuSe Nanocrystals (Nadiia Didukh, Univ. Rostock)
  • Optical PT-Symmetry in the absence of gain or loss (Johannes Bentzien, Univ. Rostock)
  • Measuring two-photon correlations beyond the PT-symmetry breaking point (Friederike Klauck, Univ. Rostock)
  • Energy states of Rydberg excitons in cuprous oxide quantum wells: from weak to strong confinement (Pavel Belov, Univ. Rostock)
  • High-harmonic spectroscopy of vibrating chains (Gabriel Caceres-Aravena, Univ. Rostock)
  • Signatures of IR-laser dressing in coherent diffractive imaging (Tom von Scheven, Univ. Rostock)
  • Optimizing State Preparation Circuits on NISQ Platforms using Reinforcement Learning (Tom Rieckmann, Univ. Rostock)
  • Fluctuation and Dissipation in open quantum systems (Arman Kashef, Univ. Rostock)
  • Non-hermitian imaging (Òscar Perearnau Herrero, Univ. Rostock)
  • Underwater Quantum Key Distribution: An Overview (Swaparjith Kalavathi Sridhar, Univ. Rostock)
  • Tracking Characteristic Parameters of Collagen by using Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (Samaneh Shahab, Univ. Rostock)
  • Electronic Coherence in Molecules: Hierarchy of Pure States (Hariprasad Kulangara Madam, Univ. Rostock)